Saturday, May 28, 2011

God Save the Queen Bee

Here's a few more pics from Spirit of Distinction that peeps have added to facebook.

I so want a pair of these

Also Kitty Lovett and I were talking about meeting up with other Aussie goth bloggers and the like. She has organised a little event in Sydney for September and I hopefully will be attending! I will be moving in September to a new city AND a new state, so if I managed to get organised in time then I will definitely be there!


  1. I adore your outfit! Amazing!

  2. I always feel awkward when people mention me.

    If you can't make it in September, we'll move to another time. We'll move it around so everyone can make it.

    Where are you moving? o: I volunteer my unpacking services (I'm good at making houses look pretty)

  3. Thanks Saskia! A few items fell off and had to bag 'em but you get the jist :)

    Naww don't feel awkward!

    I'm moving on the 3rd of september. And we're we going to get hotels or summat? 'cause I'll be living in Melbourne! ^_^

  4. Stunning attire! I like the fact that you aren't afraid of color ^^

  5. Thanks! I'm not really wearing much colour though :P

  6. idk, I'd consider brown and beige or gold-y or whatever it is colour.

    How sad is that?
