So to catch up a little here's a bunch of pics from my instagram. You can follow me @sydneysomething :)
My favourite item; Cthulhu dress by Black Milk
Cam whoring a bit...I liked my make up the other night..
Outfit to see Lincoln the other night
Men of Dunharrow dress by Black Milk
(This is Tim..My other half as of the end of last year ^_^)
Hobbit soundtrack is freakin' awesome!!!!!!!
More cam whoring...
Shark Girl Dress by Black Milk Clothing (artwork by Shichigoro)
Garrus; christmas present from Timothy :)
Maximillian got excited about the new Wii Mumsie bought :P
Mass Effect phone case from Tim :D
And these puppies (in the centre) will be mine as of Monday hopefully :D
Plus I start volunteering at the Salvos on Monday!