Friday, September 27, 2013

Arrival of First Bellabox and Musing about 'Gothinabox'

A little while ago I was fortunate enough to win a competition on instagram run by Beginning Boutique. Along with a $100 gift voucher (which I unashamedly spent entirely on lipstick) I won a years subscription to Bellabox. Bellabox is an Australian company that sends out monthly packages filled with a variety of beauty samples.

Here's this month's box, less one can of tanning spray which I gave to a co-worker of my mum's...Of which I'll definitely miss :P

Although some of these items are useful I can't say I was blown away by my first package...Especially it's questionable reading material...And in true looking a gift horse in the mouth fashion (as some of you who are friends of mine on facebook may have seen) I mused over what one of these monthly sample boxes could be like if they were catering to the goth/alternative community. The concept of a box arriving at my door every month filled with black goodies (or perhaps neons if you're a cyber goth...obviously we'd customise it for your particular sub-sub-culture haha) excites the hell outta me. A friend suggested I start doing it...and the thought was pretty thrilling...I dunno, who wants to start a business with someone with zero organisational skills and no business experience? Haha. Anyway, someone should make gothinaboxes a reality... You can have my idea just give me a free life time subscription and a shoutout :P

That's about all I got for tonight, I'm off to watch more Boardwalk Empire. Speaking of which, oh my goth; i adore Angela's swimmers in Season two! Like, seriously; I'm in love!

If you haven't seen BE and you love gratuitous violence and political coups (not to mention Steve Buscemi and fucking Harrow) then I seriously suggest you check it out.

Over and out

The Green Fairy xx

A Day Out At the Gallery - Taxidermy Exhibit

On Wednesday I had a lovely day out, most of which was spent at the local gallery here visiting the latest exhibit on display featuring a large variety of preserved exotic animals. I do believe that the placement and juxtaposition of many of the animals was meant as a commentary on humanity's constant grapple with it's futile attempts to control the natural order of things. Whatever the meaning behind it, it was certainly confronting and I must say the fighting urge to touch everything was extremely difficult.

Here's a few pics I quickly ran around and snapped before we left;

 I think it's one of the best exhibits we've had here, not that we get many. Hope you enjoyed the little peek of it!

Oh and here's the obligatory outfit I wore:

 New ring; thanks Kelly ^_^

That's all for tonight!

Over and out,

The Green Fairy xx

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Look Out it's Another Outfit Post

 So yesterday...Well actually it's after 12 so I suppose the day before yesterday I had lunch with my good chums Kelly and Luke and I decided I was in the mood to actually put some effort into my make up that day. And as a result cue the neutral eye make up/ I suppose you could sort of call it a smokey eye. Done with the awesome naked palette by Urban Decay.

Outfit flatlay

 Make up close up

ME N7 leggings and PVC skater skirt by Black Milk Clothing
Black shirt and grey militaria jacket by Saxony
Jabot by FanPlusFriend
Boots are from Big W

Ergh I really need to do something with my hair. I want a job and I guess I just need to suck it up and dye my hair a non-'offensive' colour :( I was thinking maybe all black with some pure white in the fringe but I dunno...I just wish people would get over this inbuilt prejudice they have whereby they assume someone with oddly coloured hair is a drug addict, high school drop out who murders kittens and worships Satan. The truth is in my experience with the positions of employment I've held in customer service that my education, diction, intellect and general morals is of much better quality than the average Neanderthal philistine that lives in my area.

And on another note I have no idea what's going on with this blog any more. I barely have anything to post about let alone to say. The outfit things are an easy way to make sure there's not large breaks in posting but I guess it's gets pretty dull but what else can I contribute? Anything I'm vaguely knowledgeable on has been done before to a standard I couldn't muster the energy to repeat let alone surpass. People have suggested starting afresh but I just feel it'd be the same problem, with attention slightly detracted from it for a few moments by change only to fall back in the same rut again and in the mean time losing all (if any) readers.

Sigh, sorry I guess I'm just thinking out aloud...or whatever the term would be.

I'mma go now and continue to watch Dead Like Me episodes for a while before retiring to a book and a chai. I've been reading a lot of Poe the last few days. Ha, I started reading the Raven out aloud to my mother who'd hadn't heard it before and my extremist christian grandmother left the room faster than the speeding bullet himself. So freakin' hilarious. Poe is now Satanic mantra apparently. So don't give a shit! If it means she leaves a room and I get to read Poe aloud what the fuck is there to lose hahaha. Also about the start the Hobbit again with my two friends Luke and Kelly in expectation for the film that shouldn't be too far off. EMMERRGERRD CERRBERRBERRTCHH AS THUURR NERCROOMERRNCURRR!


Speaking of Cumberbatch I picked up the new the dvd Star Trek film...Think I might wait and open it this weekend with the chums ^_^

Anyway I should head off

Nighty night readers

The Green Fairy

Monday, September 16, 2013

Belated Birthday Gaming

Last night my friends Kelly and Luke joined me for several rounds with Captain Kavok in an interactive boardgame that I haven't played since I was a child. Luke found me a mint condition, un-opened game for my birthday! (pictured below)

Luke is seriously THE best gift giver, ever.

A new addition to my wall, thank you Kelly ^_^ (As you can see last night had a bit of a theme!)


Blast of a night and I was so thrilled to finally get to open my present! Thanks guys

That's all for now,

The Green Fairy xx

Finally! I have internet again!

So out here in the middle of nowhere our internet has been on the fritz for quite a few weeks (I reckon it got wind of Liberal's craptacular version of the NBN and decided that it didn't have to work any more.) In any case it seems to be working for the time being so I thought I'd jump back on quickly to let anyone who actually reads this know that I'm still alive haha. Also, I just realised this is my 200th post - wee!

And here's an arbitrary outfit post from a few weeks ago when I was having a small mulled wine obsession.

Feat. Mulled wine velvet leggings by Black Milk Clothing
Shirt and jacket by Saxony
Glamour 101 lipstick by Limecrime
Nails by Covergirl